Unless someone would want to help point out to me that my MIND could make sounds...now that would make my day...knowing that there could be something wrong with my mind if i could hear NOISE in silence.
Could even be whispers? From the Invisibles? Or even my Companions? Or even my own Higher Self? Or just the humans' close friend and enemy: the 'Red'.
Psychologically, i would say i spend too much time alone to be actually writing about this. Let's get on to more exciting matters!

"This is John Connor."
Simple name, simple words, even more simple appearance, but a very venerable presence he is, in a very stealthy way. In fact, 'SIMPLE' doesn't even cover it. Bale has done a good job by acting the role.
No no, the hunk (pardon the pun, hehe) of metal up there is not John Connor of course, it is my favourite cyborg...the T-800 model...i'm quite fascinated by it. Ever since i was small. Hey, if you must know, i even hid behind the chair waiting for it to appear in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. It was THAT scary for me; refer back to the first war scene of the movie where 'it' steps on a human skull. You'll see what i mean.
I already watched Terminator: Salvation twice. Why? Because i LOVED it. I have waited and anticipated for it since November of last year. And i'm not disappointed...really, truly, madly, deeply liking the movie. Because i see what i saw in the movie that others do not. So sue me :) I can't put into words...but what i see is that it focuses more on the humanitarian part...we are way past the 'indestructible-robot-shocking-humans' era now...it's on to the WAR. Humans staying alive.
Obviously, the movie doesn't fare very well with others...some people would expect the usual robotic action scenes of the earlier trilogy (yes, i discovered that Salvation is the first of a new trilogy of this series...much like Star Wars. It is meant to be a prequel to The Terminator of 1984) and this one is different...John Connor is central, now.
Hmm...back to my readings. I FINISHED BREAKING DAWN!! Yes, i've finished the Twilight saga...and it is, a great story. I find myself liking Renesmee Carlie Cullen. And being imprinted upon by Jacob! So, so spectacular...
Ahem...well i need to stop now...there are other things i need to research. So till later...
Stay Alive.
hiya...hehehe...i like terminator salvation myself too...didnt quite like bale as john connor... a bit on the strict side though..some sort lah...what i love most is the other guy...u know who right? plus the mototerminator...oooohhhh i especially love the scene when those motors came out of the huge robot...