By the music of Penawar - Ella.
Someone told me i have to express and heal my mind tonight. Doesn't matter WHO that someone was. But it talked to my intuition (or any medium you want to call it). It's somewhere inside me (ugh, so cliche).
"Tolonglah si dia ini...dengan menghampirinya...kerana dia sebahagianmu"
My bloody...dusty (shameful)...keyboard is uniquely growing out of its this key and it comes out another icon...and many other irritating changeables.
Anyway, the phrase in parentheses up there can be found in Penawar's lyrics. Sounds like something YOU always hear and comprehend? Yes. But for Nur Syuhada and the likes of her...the text highlighted in red really knocks on her (their) heart.
Everyone is the same......why bother citing our differences?
I drove from Serdang Raya till Shah Alam ALONE today using the BMW (coz that car's great for me and my driving skills, coincidentally it is also my favourite brand...). Not that i'm really alone; mum drove the Waja coz she brought it to the mechanic near my office building.
I'm a driver who needs silence in order to really concentrate on the road. See, i don't need music, hehe...
What happened to me?
I got a new job.
I'm resigning.
I'm...i mean...
At the same time, i'm...
Something came and i can tell it is significant to me.
A part of myself is SO SURE of this. No doubts. Only my usual fears.
It is the difficult realization that something other than myself is real. - modified from an Iris